

Pybombs を用いてUbuntu 18.04マシンに GNU Radioをインストールする

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2018-07-15に,GNU Radioがリリースされたとのこと.

◆How to install specific gnuradio version using PyBombs?

◆Ubuntu 16.04 にPybombs を用いて GNU Radioをインストールする.
・Ubuntuのパッケージ版のGNU RadioとUHDは,コンフリクトするので絶対にインストールしない(もしあったら,パッケージマネージャで完全削除指定).
・GNU RadioあたりをPybombsでインストールずみだったので,まず削除する.
$ rm -rf .pybombs
$ rm -rf ./prefix

$ pybombs recipes add gr-recipes git+https://github.com/gnuradio/gr-recipes.git
$ pybombs recipes add gr-etcetera git+https://github.com/gnuradio/gr-etcetera.git
$ mkdir  /home/user_name/prefix
$ pybombs config --package gnuradio gitrev v3.7.13.4
$ pybombs prefix init /home/user_name/prefix/default -a myprefix -R gnuradio-default

$ pybombs prefix init /home/user_name/prefix/default -a myprefix -R gnuradio-default
PyBOMBS - INFO - PyBOMBS Version 2.3.2
PyBOMBS.prefix - INFO - Creating directory `/home/user_name/prefix/default'
PyBOMBS.ConfigManager - INFO - Creating new config file /home/user_name/prefix/default/.pybombs/config.yml
PyBOMBS.prefix - INFO - Installing default packages for prefix...
PyBOMBS.prefix - INFO -
  - gnuradio
PyBOMBS.Packager.apt - INFO - Install python-apt to speed up apt processing.
PyBOMBS.install_manager - INFO - Phase 1: Creating install tree and installing binary packages:
/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/pip/_vendor/requests/__init__.py:83: RequestsDependencyWarning: Old version of cryptography ([1, 2, 3]) may cause slowdown.
  warnings.warn(warning, RequestsDependencyWarning)
Install tree:
\- gnuradio
   +- uhd
   \- apache-thrift
PyBOMBS.install_manager - INFO - Phase 2: Recursively installing source packages to prefix:
PyBOMBS.install_manager - INFO - Installing package: apache-thrift
PyBOMBS.Packager.apt - INFO - Install python-apt to speed up apt processing.
Cloning:     (100%) [=========================================================]
Cloning:     (100%) [=========================================================]
PyBOMBS.Packager.apt - INFO - Install python-apt to speed up apt processing.
Configuring: (100%) [=========================================================]
Building:    (100%) [=========================================================]
Installing:  (100%) [=========================================================]
PyBOMBS.install_manager - INFO - Installation successful.
PyBOMBS.install_manager - INFO - Installing package: uhd
Cloning:     (100%) [=========================================================]
Configuring: (100%) [=========================================================]
Building:    (100%) [=========================================================]
Installing:  (100%) [=========================================================]
PyBOMBS.install_manager - INFO - Installation successful.
PyBOMBS.install_manager - INFO - Installing package: gnuradio
Cloning:     (100%) [=========================================================]
Cloning:     (100%) [=========================================================]
Configuring: (100%) [=========================================================]
Building:    (100%) [=========================================================]
Installing:  (100%) [=========================================================]
PyBOMBS.install_manager - INFO - Installation successful.

$ gnuradio-companion
<<< Welcome to GNU Radio Companion >>>

$ uhd_usrp_probe
[INFO] [UHD] linux; GNU C++ version 5.4.0 20160609; Boost_105800; UHD_3.14.0.0-88-g6013a511
[INFO] [X300] X300 initialization sequence...
[INFO] [X300] Maximum frame size: 8000 bytes.
[INFO] [X300] Radio 1x clock: 200 MHz
[WARNING] [UDP] The recv buffer could not be resized sufficiently.
Target sock buff size: 162149863 bytes.
Actual sock buff size: 33554432 bytes.
See the transport application notes on buffer resizing.
Please run: sudo sysctl -w net.core.rmem_max=162149863
[WARNING] [UDP] The send buffer could not be resized sufficiently.
Target sock buff size: 24862979 bytes.
Actual sock buff size: 576000 bytes.
See the transport application notes on buffer resizing.
Please run: sudo sysctl -w net.core.wmem_max=24862979
[WARNING] [UDP] The recv buffer could not be resized sufficiently.
Target sock buff size: 162149863 bytes.
Actual sock buff size: 33554432 bytes.
See the transport application notes on buffer resizing.
Please run: sudo sysctl -w net.core.rmem_max=162149863
[WARNING] [UDP] The send buffer could not be resized sufficiently.
Target sock buff size: 24862979 bytes.
Actual sock buff size: 576000 bytes.
See the transport application notes on buffer resizing.
Please run: sudo sysctl -w net.core.wmem_max=24862979
[INFO] [0/DmaFIFO_0] Initializing block control (NOC ID: 0xF1F0D00000000000)
[ERROR] [0/DmaFIFO_0] Major compat number mismatch for noc_shell: Expecting 5, got 2.
Error: RuntimeError: FPGA component `noc_shell' is revision 2 and UHD supports revision 5. Please either upgrade the FPGA image (recommended) or downgrade UHD.

$ uhd_images_downloader
[INFO] Images destination: /home/user_name/prefix/default/share/uhd/images
[INFO] No inventory file found at /home/user_name/prefix/default/share/uhd/images/inventory.json. Creating an empty one.
00006 kB / 00006 kB (100%) usrp1_b100_fw_default-g6bea23d.zip
16136 kB / 16136 kB (100%) n3xx_n310_fpga_default-g615d9b8.zip
02757 kB / 02757 kB (100%) usrp2_n210_fpga_default-g6bea23d.zip
02076 kB / 02076 kB (100%) n230_n230_fpga_default-g615d9b8.zip
00522 kB / 00522 kB (100%) usrp1_b100_fpga_default-g6bea23d.zip
00511 kB / 00511 kB (100%) b2xx_b200_fpga_default-g63e630a.zip
02415 kB / 02415 kB (100%) usrp2_n200_fpga_default-g6bea23d.zip
19937 kB / 19937 kB (100%) x3xx_x310_fpga_default-g615d9b8.zip
00503 kB / 00503 kB (100%) b2xx_b205mini_fpga_default-g63e630a.zip
18881 kB / 18881 kB (100%) x3xx_x300_fpga_default-g615d9b8.zip
00017 kB / 00017 kB (100%) octoclock_octoclock_fw_default-g14000041.zip
04839 kB / 04839 kB (100%) usb_common_windrv_default-g14000041.zip
00007 kB / 00007 kB (100%) usrp2_usrp2_fw_default-g6bea23d.zip
00009 kB / 00009 kB (100%) usrp2_n200_fw_default-g6bea23d.zip
00450 kB / 00450 kB (100%) usrp2_usrp2_fpga_default-g6bea23d.zip
00149 kB / 00149 kB (100%) b2xx_common_fw_default-g455a288.zip
00460 kB / 00460 kB (100%) b2xx_b200mini_fpga_default-g63e630a.zip
00319 kB / 00319 kB (100%) usrp1_usrp1_fpga_default-g6bea23d.zip
00009 kB / 00009 kB (100%) usrp2_n210_fw_default-g6bea23d.zip
11682 kB / 11682 kB (100%) n3xx_n300_fpga_default-g615d9b8.zip
05742 kB / 05742 kB (100%) e3xx_e310_fpga_default-g615d9b8.zip
00894 kB / 00894 kB (100%) b2xx_b210_fpga_default-g63e630a.zip
[INFO] Images download complete.

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